Whether your training goal is to improve your gun handling or maintain the skills you already have, getting to practice shooting at home through dry fire training is something from which all shooters can benefit regardless of skill level.
Read MoreFrom military professionals to competitive shooters, people who make their living with a firearm all know the importance of dry fire training. Though high level shooters use dry fire to keep their skills sharp, newer gun owners can reap the largest benefits by incorporating this into their training regime. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest reasons you should add dry fire training to your routine immediately.
Since its introduction in 1902 the 9mm Luger round has proven popular worldwide for professionals and recreational shooters alike for being a well-rounded projectile, balancing reliability, stopping power, and shootability. With this massive popularity, we get quite a few questions specifically around all things 9mm, and today we’re looking at a large volume question related to one of our newest products: “What’s the best 9mm laser training system?”
Read MoreThe benefits of dry fire training are widely known, but there are shooters who sometimes struggle with the transition to live rounds. Together, let's explore some of the top culprits we've seen that cause this inconsistency between live and dry fire training sessions.
Read MoreLet's look at dry fire training, how it works, how it benefits you, along with some simple drills you can do from the comfort of home.
Read More[Editor's Note: This is tongue in cheek. If you're offended, we're sorry.]
Oswego, IL - As manufacturers and retailers compete for the almighty consumer dollar in the 30 days before Christmas, an ever-increasing number of them pre-announce their Black Friday/Cyber Monday (BFCM) deals.
"As we surveyed the landscape, we wanted to something different," says Mantis Chief Pricing Strategist Rustin Jogness. "So we did. But before I tell you what we're gonna do, I'm gonna tell you the background of the why. It might be a bit lengthy, but stick with me. Please."
"Black Friday used to just be on Friday, but some knuckle draggers thought that Friday also means Thursday, and Monday, and basically whatever random day they want to invent. Maybe it's easier to convince you to spend money you don't actually have on a day that doesn't actually exist."
"My pastor says it's basically a sign of the times and liberals overtaking our culture that we can't enforce Friday to be only Friday. If Friday wants to be a Thursday or a Saturday, why can't he or she or it? Someone has to take a stand," continues Jogness before taking a brief drink of water.
"Given the industry we're in, we HAVE to take a conservative stand. And in this situation, there is only one: Black Friday is Friday only. We will likely incur liberal wrath, a few lawsuits, and maybe (hopefully) a mention in the New York Times. Millions will cry discrimination that we only have specials on one day, when everyone else runs their specials for 6 weeks. But this is our beliefs, yo."
To summarize the remainder of Rustin's comments, Mantis will not just limit Black Friday to Friday, but on that day will have a non-sale. All items available for sale will be at the same price they are every other day of the year.
"It's our core belief that a sale only reminds consumers of how much they are getting ripped off by retailers the rest of the year," says Junior Pricing Strategist Yavel Purevich. "We don't inflate our prices just to discount them. That's the devil's work of trickster manipulation."
For more information, visit MantisX.com
Mantis Tech, LLC is proud to announce a breakthrough in technology adoption: beginning immediately, Mantis will be regularly updating the blog.
"The world has proven that blogs will come and go in popularity, but ours is all GO," says Marketing Manager Pavel Yurevich. "In actuality, we just needed a convenient place to hold our interesting news and information, so we figured the plug-in already available on our software platform was good enough. So here we are."
With 4 blog posts already queued up, Mantis is well-prepared for consistent posting, the true bellweather for blog longevity and popularity.
"What's a blog?" asked President Austin Allgaier. No one was sure if that was rhetorical, philosophical, or yet one more example of his lame sense of humor.
"At Mantis, we're so focused on breakthrough technology, we forget the value of past technology that everyone has moved on from," says Electrical Engineer Derek Stewart. "It's time we honored the past."
The blog is viewable here.