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Free App Updates with MantisX

MantisX App Update 7.0

MantisX Firearm Selection in the AppArsenal has a new firearm selection process.  The interface has been updated to divide Pistol and Rifles in the arsenal into separate tabs and the users arsenal can also be searched at the top.  

To add a new firearm to the Arsenal press the “+ Add” button where users will be led through searching and selecting their make, model, and caliber.


Machine Gun Shot Detection

A new Shot Detection Mode has been added for Machine Gun.  The minimum for shot detection delay has been changed to 0.05s. This is now available under the rifle portion of the app.

 The Android app now has a “Delete Account” button under the Advanced Settings option of the Settings tab.  This is required by the app store starting in Fall of 2024.  Additionally, a “Delete Account” option has been added to  The android app will be raised to 7.0 on the next update.

Train on!

Elise Abbott
Elise Abbott
