What's good

What can you do with MANTIS?


While attached to a firearm, Mantis will detect even the slightest movements of the firearm during the trigger pull, analyze the your technique, and display information about every shot on the screen. Generated data will be stored in our database, so you can refer to it later, track your progress overtime, and even evaluate each shot individually.


Whether you are a professional shooter or just a beginner wanting to learn, you can use Mantis to achieve your improvement goals. Not only will you have credible information about your overall shooting performance, you will be able to tailor your personal marksmanship training routine to your unique needs.


Conventional firearms instructors and coaches are available only at specific locations and at a high price. You can take Mantis anywhere and enjoy shooting cans on your back yard or targets at a dedicated range. Working with both live fire and dry fire, the device can be used indoors while you practice without any live ammo.