While MantisX was designed for live fire usage, it is effective in dry fire practice as well. Our software algorithms are continually improving, and you should expect that the dry fire component will see continual improvements through regular app updates.

Data-Driven Shot Detection

There are many technically complex pieces of MantisX. Dry fire is one of them. While the MantisX sensor continually collects and transmits movement data, the crucial part of the algorithm design is shot detection.

Live fire shot detection is easier than dry fire shot detection, for obvious reasons. Additionally, it is crucial to try to eliminate false positives that could arise from jostling, racking, or other movements that could mimic a dry fire hammer or striker hit.

Fortunately, we have some significantly geeky engineers designing complex algorithms to give accurate results.

There are trade-offs between eliminating false positives and missing some actual dry fire shots. We have chosen to reduce false positives in shot detection, which means that some actual shots will be eliminated from reporting as well. However, the shots that are recorded will be accurate.

We have tested our algorithms on hundreds of firearms and have analyzed over 346 million shots. Plus we are continually updating the app with new data and features. We won't stop improving our dry fire tools.

With the latest app release, dry fire shot detection ranges from 80-97%, while the false positive rate is <1% on average. With future app releases, we will update data on this page.

If you are experiencing issues with accurate dry fire shot detection, please contact us with the specific make and model of the firearm experiencing issues, and we'll add additional priority to that specific firearm in an app update.

Lastly, MantisX is compatible with SIRT laser pistols, dryfiremag, and Trigger systems to make your dry fire training even more effective.

Dry Fire Practice FAQs

What is dry fire?

Dry fire is the practice of pulling the trigger of a firearm without any ammunition loaded. It's a valuable training tool for honing skills such as trigger control, sight alignment, and shooting mechanics without the risks or expense of live ammunition.

Can dry fire damage a firearm?

Generally, dry firing is safe for most modern firearms, particularly centerfire handguns designed to withstand the impact of the firing pin without a cartridge present. However, it's always recommended to check the firearm's manual or consult the manufacturer, especially for older guns or rimfire models, as some may be prone to damage from dry firing.

What's the difference between live fire and dry fire?

Live fire and dry fire differentiate between using live ammunition or not. Live fire involves actual shooting with live rounds, offering real-world feedback on recoil, noise, and bullet impact. In contrast, dry fire simulates shooting without live ammunition, focusing purely on refining technique and eliminating the complexities of live fire.

What is a dry fire system?

A dry fire system is a training aid or accessory that allows shooters to simulate firearm operation without live rounds. These systems often include laser cartridges, specialized targets, and electronic feedback devices to offer real-time insights into trigger control, sight alignment, and other aspects of shooting. They're a cost-effective and safe way to improve training sessions by providing measurable performance data.