Shoot / No Shoot - Shapes,
In this drill, you'll see an image of a specific shape in a certain color. When the buzzer sounds, a grid will appear, and you have to decide if the image you saw is there or not. If it is, you shoot; if not, you don't shoot. Your score is based on both correct choices and how quickly you make them.
Shoot / No Shoot - Dice, In this drill you'll see an image of dice accompanied by a condition—Equal To, Less Than, or Greater Than. Upon the buzzer, dice will appear, and you must determine if the condition is met or not. If it does, you take the shot; if not, you don't shoot. Your score is based on both correct choices and how quickly you make them.
Shoot / No Shoot - Addition, In this drill
you'll be shown a number. When the buzzer sounds, four numbers will appear, and you'll need to determine if they add up to the original number. If they do, take the shot; if not, don't shoot. The incorrect answers will always be one number below or above the initial number. Your score is based on both correct choices and how quickly you make them.
Users can take a photo of their target to store with the session or upload one from the gallery. One image can be attached to each session and will display at the bottom of the Edit Session Notes option when accessed from History.
Group admins have the option to pick one of three goal options for the group to achieve each week. Goal option #3 previously used the MantisX Benchmark Drill only, it will now be open to select any drill from the list of standard drills for the group to compete on during the week. The leaderboard goal at the top will reflect the score and drill name selected for the group goal and will fill as members achieve it.
After you've been using the system for a while, we'll send you a pop-up reminder to show how much you've saved on ammo costs with MantisX and/or BlackbeardX.
The app will estimate your savings based on your most frequently used caliber. If the caliber isn't specified, it will automatically assume costs of $0.50 per round for pistols and $0.80 per round for rifles. Only dry fire sessions are included in this calculation.
Shot detection modes have a settings icon that allows you to adjust the Min Score Threshold and the Shot Detection Delay.
The Shot Detection Delay slider has been updated to increment from .15 to 30, allowing for smaller increments of adjustment on the low end and whole second adjustment on the high end.
Each of these fields has an updated help button text with a graphic to help you understand their function.
A new button has also been added, Estimate Threshold which opens up to a new Threshold Drill allowing you to shoot and MantisX to estimate a threshold solution.
If a unit loses its connection the app will attempt to reconnect to that same unit with no time limit. The connect screen will display with Scanning for [last_mantisx_used], but if the user chooses to skip the connect a prompt for Do you want to stop scanning for [last_mantisx_used]?, if Yes is selected normal scanning for any unit resumes otherwise it will still search for the last unit used.
To use a different unit you will need to select Yes to stop scanning.
When you select a firearm from the Arsenal you are prompted to restore the settings that were last used with that firearm.
These remembered settings now also include if Min Score Threshold and/or Shot Detection Delay had values set and will display them.
We will continue to bring new and exciting app updates to you every 4-6 weeks!
Elise Abbott